torsdag 27 december 2012

Life is anything but easy...

I do love my life. I have a lovely family and great friends. But life is like a rollercoaster...and it's all about how you handle plan B...

lördag 17 november 2012

My head is over loaded...

I think I am thinking to much... But I'm really glad Emma is such a good friend to talk too! Love you<3

fredag 16 november 2012

Live Music

Christian and BG played some live Music yesterday:) It was really cozy time just sitting there with them and listen to some Lars Winnerbäck songs! Thank guys to for a good day with you!

måndag 22 oktober 2012

You are the greatest!

I just had an conversation with my brother:) I asked him how everything was st home... It was good he said! But it was so empty home, when he doesn't have me there...;( I got tears in my eyes when he said that... It makes me so said, that I can't be there for him;( The tears were also kind of happy tears! Because the way he feel it's a prof of our relationship to each other, that it's a really strong bound between us and that makes me so happy and warm in my heart! I love you my wounderful brother<3

söndag 21 oktober 2012


When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far. To be right were you are.
- wish I could have said it to you with my own words when we still had the time. You changed a lot in just one year! In a good way!:) With out me even notice it at were and will always be my truly best friend<3

tisdag 2 oktober 2012

måndag 1 oktober 2012

The small things in life is usually the best

It's soon 1 year and 8 month since I got home from USA. I had a great time over there. I was living/working in USA as an Au Pair for T and S. On my free time I were hanging around with friends. I'm so glad I got to know them all! Of course someday were hard, you got home sikness and it was hard to be away from family and friends back home. But things got a lot easier with a lot of Skype-dates, letters, emails and facebook. The things I really appriciate was the skypedates and letters! :-) It's more personal in a way and you can save them! It's also feels like "old times" when you had pen pals and weren't using the computer in that way!

So this post is all about how happy I got when I acctually got something in the mail-box!!! :-D That always made my day! So one time, don't really remeber when (Sorry, Caroline) I got this movie from my friend Caroline back home! I got tears in my eyes...Love you my dear friend!

